The Jewish Confederation of Ukraine (hereinafter - Confederation) is an all-Ukraine union incorporating independent public, charitable, religious Jewish organizations, whose activities are aimed at charity, reviving of the Jewish national lifestyle, support of humanitarian foundations and humanitarian values.

The Confederation was founded by:

The Union of the Jewish Religious Organizations of Ukraine;
The Jewish Council of Ukraine;
The Association of the Jewish Organizations and Communities (Vaad) of Ukraine;
The Kyiv City Jewish community.

Tasks and objectives of the Confederation

The objective of creation of the Confederation is representation of the interests of the Jewish communities and organizations of Ukraine - members of the Confederation - in state and public (non-governmental) structures both in Ukraine and abroad, charity, as well as assistance in meeting the legitimate ethnic, social, creative, economic and other common interests of the Jewish people of Ukraine.

The tasks of the Confederation:

  • representation of the interests of the members of the Confederation in state and other structures both in Ukraine and abroad;

  • charity, including support of the establishments of culture, education, and science in the Jewish communities of Ukraine;

  • consolidation of the Jewish communities and organizations in Ukraine and assistance in creation, activities and consolidation of new organizations, communities and professional structures, whose activities are aimed at reviving and further development of the Jewish national life;

  • expansion and strengthening of connections of Jews and their organizations in Ukraine with the Jewish public and other kinds of organizations in Ukraine, Israel and other countries, assistance in integration of Ukrainian Jews into the international Jewish community;

  • assistance in upholding ethnic and religious tolerance in Ukraine;

  • social protection of the Jews of Ukraine, assistance in development of the social infrastructure of Jewish communities;

  • assistance in protection of honor and national dignity of the Jews of Ukraine, opposition to xenophobia and anti-Semitism, initiation of adoption of the legal acts aimed at fighting against anti-Semitism;

  • revival and development of traditions of the Ukrainian Jewry;

  • creation of an effective system of study of the history and culture of the Jewish people;

  • assistance in preservation of the Jewish heritage and its restitution to the Jewish communities of Ukraine - its legitimate heirs;

  • creation of adequate conditions for youth training and sports activities;

  • assistance in expansion and development of the Ukrainian-Israeli cooperation in the field of culture, education, science, economy, etc.;

  • protection of the rights and settlement of social problems of former prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps, those who were evacuated and those who were in the temporarily occupied territories during World War II.