«Jewish Observer»
January 2002
5762 Shvat

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The Israeli authorities and "Sokhnut" are misinforming the world, declaring that Jewish people may feel safe from anti-Semitism in the State of Israel. The information about anti-Semitic actions in Israel has firmly established itself in the headlines of all newspapers, especially Russian-speaking ones. The movement "Dmir - promotion of absorption" made a survey which showed that the virus of anti-Semitism had penetrated into Israel a long time ago. Many repatriates discovered with horror that in Israel they meet with the same anti-Semitic offences, from which they wanted to find a shelter here. They are offended by non-Jews, who had arrived with them from the former USSR. The report about the situation in this area was based on stories of the offended victims and witnesses, as well as on newspaper articles.

Israeli officials can't resolve reacting on this problem. In the light of this the condemnation of anti-Semitic actions abroad by Israeli leaders looks like a miserable grimace. Meanwhile the phantasmagoria continues - the amount of anti-Semitism victims is constantly increasing. A group of volunteers and victims themselves decided to create the Support Center for the victims of anti-Semitism in Israel. Our goals and tasks are: to attract public attention to this problem; to create an informational center for the olim with local branches for juridical and psychological support to the victims of anti-Semitism and to explain to Jewish repatriates how to react on anti-Semitism, how to endeavor the authorities to take measures for preventing anti-Semitic actions and punishing for them.

The Israeli Support Center for Anti-Semitism Victims

«Jewish Observer» - obozrevatel@jewukr.org
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