Sadgora (Sadigora) is a suburb of the town of Chernovtsy in Ukraine. Before the war 80% of the Sadigora population were Jews. They lived. Worked and prayed in 11 synagogues. The residence of the Sadigora tsadik Israel Fridman from Ruzhina was in the center of their lives. This man was very devoted and the legends about his wisdom spread all over Western Ukraine. And his numerous students published three books of the wise saying of their Rebe. The Austrian historian Khafbauer wrote that in his life every Jew should visit Jerusalem, Uman and Sadigora. Rebe Fridman was considered to be a great khohem (wise man). From all the Galicia, Bukovina and Bessarabia Jews came to him to ask for an advice. Many of them become his students and followers. The whole dynasty of Fridman rabbis was created. They served in Chortkov, Shtephaneshty, Gusyatin and many other towns. The Rebe's residence in the Moorish style still exists. But only two families form the Jewish population in Sadigora today. But students of the old Rebe have scattered all over the world and took his wisdom with them. More than 200 hasid-followers have come from different European countries, Israel, America to observe the 150th anniversary from the date of death of Israel Fridman to his grave. And what did they find? A net had to be stretched inside the famous residence to save heads of the prayers from falling plaster and roof pieces. They had no place to spend night in. There was no question about the kosher food - they had to bring it themselves. The only consolation was in the renovation of the vault where tsadik and his sons were buried, but the path leading to it leaves much to be desired. Everybody, who came there, wondered how can the historical monuments of the world-known Rebe be so neglected? The town authorities would earn so much money if they were able to attract tourists and pilgrims from all over the world, Uman is a good example! The Jewish community in Chernovtsy was trying to restore the monument many times but it lacks funds.
Why can not it be done just like in Uman? Maybe the newspaper will attract Jewish (and any other) community's attention to this important question. This would bring not only moral but also material profit to Jews and other people of Bukovina. |