Palant David. Talks About Week Chapters. - M.: CIS Jewish Studies Institute. - 2002.
Rabbi David Palant's new book is dedicated to the traditional element of Jewish life - studying of Torah week chapters.
"Dvar Torah" is a talk, held during the family Shabbat meal. It is an important part of the Shabbat celebration in Jewish tradition.
PAccording to the usual Judaic division, Torah has 54 week chapters. Thus reading of the Pentateuch finishes with the year cycle.
The book gives examples of analysis of selected chapter extracts. They are accompanied by a topical commentary. These examples are very similar to traditional Shabbat talks.
Issues, discussed in this book, will be interesting and useful for Jewish families.
Oleg Kozerod
Jewish Music: Reading-book for Pupils of 1-4 Forms./ L.Goyzman, V.Ugrinovich. - Kiev, 2001.
The reading-book "Jewish Music" for 1-4th Jewish schools graders was published by the Jewish Fund of Ukraine together with "Joint". The range of musical compositions included in the book is very broad: from Hasid melodies and folk songs to works of Jewish composers such as A.Kreyn, I.Limmer, U.Engel, M.Gnesin, I.Aysberg and others.
The collection also includes dance melodies, lullabies, and wedding songs. The book at one stroke became popular among music teachers and other workers.
Uriy Day: Almanac. - Kiev, 2001.
The second almanac of the poetic studio "Third Gate", working in the "Kinor" community center, is addressed to those, who love poetry. It includes poems of Y.Khelemsky, L.Vysheslavsky, U.Shanin, M.Petrovsky, U.Kaplan and others.
Unruly Legs: Poetry Collection. - Kiev, 2001.
This is one of the last books, published with the support of the Jewish Fund of Ukraine. The collection includes poems for children, written by famous Yiddishkite poets in Ritaliy Zaslavsky's translation. Among the collection's authors we can find David Gofstein, Riva Balyasnaya, Dora Khaykina, and also Itsik Kipnis, a prose writer, who wrote poems for small children. For many readers this book will open unknown pages of works of well-known writers.
Besides, JFU continues producing audio- and videocassettes. The series "Melodies of Jewish Soul" has been added with four more cassettes, in particular "Shana Tova" (cantor singing for the Rosh a-Shana holiday) and "Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah" (collection of best Jewish Hanukkah songs).
All the publications of the Jewish Fund of Ukraine are distributed among Jewish organizations of Ukraine for free.
Yelena Chuchulashvili