Estonia. The head of Jerusalem bureau of Simon Vizental Center Efraim Zuroff and President of Miami charitable fund Arie Rubin informed the general director of Estonian Security Police Yuri Pikhl about 17 persons suspected of murdering Jews during the World War II.
At the press conference held July 10 in Tallinn Zuroff and Rubin presented a new project "The last chance". Within this project anybody submitting important information which will result in suiting and convicting a Nazi criminal will get 10000$.
"The percentage of Holocaust victims on the territory of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is the highest in Europe. Meantime Estonian Republic did not initiate any investigations", - Rubin told journalists.
Latvia. Latvian government rejected the proposal by Simon Vizental Center to cooperate in persecuting former Nazi war criminals.
"If Latvia still has any unpunished Nazi war criminals, the state is able to bring them to court by itself. There is no need for Vizental Center to interfere", - stated the press secretary of Latvian Prime Minister Arnis Lapinsh.
RIA "News"
Croatia. According to a census held in Croatia, only a quarter of 2000 registered members of Jewish communities call themselves ethnic Jews with a still lesser part belonging to Judaism.
The President of Zagreb Jewish community O.Kraus names two factors influencing the unwillingness of people to acknowledge their routes: 90% of Jewish communities' members were born in mixed families or are married to non-Jews. Besides, absence of proper religious education leads to the fact that some people calling themselves Jews refuse to recognize Judaism as their religion.
Romania. The "Cronica Romana" newspaper has fiercely criticized the senator Hillary Clinton. She called on Romanian authorities to dismantle the monument to Antonesku in Bucharest and change streets' names after former Prime Minister accused of exterminating ten thousands Jews and Gypsies. Advisers of Prime Minister Nestase refuse to comment on the matter.
The Minister of Culture of Romania Razvan Teodoresku, in his turn, considers the bust to Antonesku on the front of a governmental building not subject to dismantling, as it is an integral part of the bust collection of former Romanian Prime Ministers.