Italy. Nearly 40 graves were profaned overnight July 19 in the Jewish cemetery Verano in Rome. 34 graves were damaged.
Vandals crashed gravestones and statues and also dug off some graves. No one has yet claimed the responsibility.
"We have a very tense situation now", - said Chief Rabbi of Rome Ricardo di Senji. He called the profanation of graves "a deep wound, terrible sin offending all citizens of Rome".
The representative of Milan Jewish community Yasha Reibman underlined that "a new political anti-Semitism is rising in Italy and Europe. It uses Israeli events as alibi". The Vice- Prime Minister of Italy Janfranko Fini agreed with representatives of Jewish community: he considers the incident as vandalism being "meanness causing fear and offending the conscience of everyone". "New anti-Semitism, - stressed Fini, - often hides behind the accusations against Israel of violence". The Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berluskoni took the crime investigation under his personal control.
Germany. Hamburg authorities arrested six Islamites suspected in preparing terrorist acts, aimed at Jews as well. They were arrested in apartments and a bookstore near the "Al-Kuds" mosque.
Muhammad Ata and other terrorists, who took part in acts of terror on September 11, 2001 in USA, used to pray in this mosque.
"Novosty nedely"
Russia. New anti-Semitic signs appeared on two buildings along Lenin avenue, the central one in Yekaterinburg.
The President of Jewish national cultural autonomy of Sverdlovsk oblast Mikhail Oshtrakh stated: "Any actions to stir up national discord occur due to inactivity of authorities and unwillingness of law enforcement agencies to implement existing laws on suppressing national animosity".
Only last year the Prosecutor office of Sverdlovsk oblast closed down, due to different reasons, three criminal cases instituted according to Article 282 CC RF (incitement of racial, national and religious animosity).
United Kingdom. The Wales police informed about an attack on the synagogue in Swansea. Unknown vandals profaned the building having drawn a swastika and "T4"- a sign reminding about Nazi experiments of "euthanasia" held in concentration camps.
Representatives of Jewish community, residing in Swansea, are really frightened of an aggression directed against them: they do not remember such precedents. Police has no doubts the attack is the result of Near East events.