More than 90% of the polled residents of Palestinian autonomy supported terrorist actions against the Israeli soldiers and peaceful citizens residing in settlements of Judea, Samaria and Gaza strip; and 52% - actions against Israeli citizens within the Green pale. Half of the questioned refused to support a step-by-step cease-fire in response to withdrawal of "occupational forces". 85% of the questioned said that, in their opinion, institutions of Palestinian autonomy are corrupted.
Israel plans to purchase in Russia special bulletproof waistcoats for children. Representatives of the Moscow research institute of steel say it is the first time they are to project bulletproof mechanisms for children. Specimen are already sent to Israel for approval.
In the nearest future a fence construction will be started to separate Jewish quarters of "West" Jerusalem from Arabian quarters of "East" Jerusalem. At the beginning there will be constructed a 25 km fence equipped with systems controlling the security system' integrity and with those of tracking after the zone bordering on the fence.
Similar fences are established on the Lebanon-Israeli border and along the border with Gaza strip.
Yitzhak Frankental, chairman of the "Forum of Arab and Israeli mourning families" organization announced about the beginning of a new propagandist action named "Ale, shalom!" The essence of the campaign is to offer Jews to phone to Arab families and talk to them about peace.
Yitzhak Frankental is convinced - speaking on the phone with the autonomy residents will promote establishing peace and order.
7th Channel
79% of Israelites consider the agreements signed in Oslo have brought no results into the settlement of Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 12% of respondents assert the contrary, and 9 couldn't answer the question. 80% said Arafat had completely exhausted himself as a leader. 81% of the questioned consider Arafat is not interested in establishing peaceful relations between Israelis and Palestinians.
A newly-married couple - Israel's citizens having Russian passports and registered in Russian Embassy, - this is the basic condition for registering a consulate marriage recognized by MIA of Israel. There is no need now to leave for Cyprus or Bulgaria as it has been before. In the nearest time several thousands of young couples will be able to use this opportunity.
Mikhail Feldman