USA. "The Washington Post" newspaper informs the residents of Judea and Samaria Jewish settlements should be ready for provocations. 120 USA citizens, with Jews among them, desire to leave for Israel. Afterwards, having crossed the border with the Palestinian Autonomy, they want to begin protecting Arab peasants from the attacks by Israeli settlers. To all appearances, it goes about another anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli provocation, organized by a left radical pro-Palestinian grouping. They have recently become more active in Israel as well as in USA.
Russia. One year and a half probation - the sentence brought by the court for two minors. They broke windows in a Rostov synagogue. The synagogue has already suffered from the hooligans: the door was set on the fire, windows were broken, scurrilous things were written on the walls. Finally, the patience of Rabbi and community has exhausted. The cameras were established on all sides of the building. The "terrorists" appeared shortly. Hooligans explained to the court they decided to compete in accuracy. As they were passing at that moment by the synagogue the stones flew into its windows. They managed to crash only two - the guard from the synagogue caught the hooligans.
Romania. The building of a Jewish theatre in Bucharest was covered with Nazi slogans. "We must find the criminals who have committed this fascist and barbarian crime", - said Minister of culture of Romania Razvan Teodoresku in the interview to local television. He informed, the leaders of local Jewish community discovered on the wall the slogan "Arbeit macht frei" ("The work makes you free"). This slogan was used in the Nazi death camp "Auschwitz" having, in a way, become its symbol since then.
"This is not a simple anti-Semitic crime, it's an action, denigrating Romanian authority", - said leader of Jewish community Nikolay Kozhal.
Russia. Representatives of the Orthodox city community, members of CPRF and National-Bolsheviks Party of Russia held a piquet with a protest against the staging of opera "Visions of Ioann Grozny" by S.Solominsy in the Samara academic theater of ballet and opera on the day of season opening. Those gathered held placards: "Visions" - is a Judaic mockery over memory of the Great Russian Tsar".
On the eve of piquet a group of famous figures of regional Orthodox community sent a letter to the governor of Samara oblast Konstantin Titov with a request to withdraw the opera "Visions of Ioann Grozny" from the theater repertoire.
The authors of the message state this work offends feelings of the believers and "lowers the spiritual bar of our culture".
Russia. World congress of Russian-speaking Jewry has sent a letter of protest to the Russian President Vladimir Putin due to the legalization of anti-Semitic NSPR. In the address, particularly, it is mentioned: "... following "skinheads'" declarations, placard terrorism and robberies in Jewish cemeteries of some Russian cities there appeared a legal political shelter of anti-Semitic forces - National State Party of Russia (NSPR), registered by the RF Ministry of Justice in September of 2002.
The pogrom essence of NSPR is not even hidden by its leaders. They call their compatriots, all Russian people "to fight a common enemy - Yids"...
We express a resolute protest against the legalization of, in fact, fascist party in the country, which defeated fascism. We are sure you will take some definite actions in suppressing any anti-Semitic event in Russian Federation".