«Jewish Observer»
December 2002
5763 Tevet

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Namely him is an eldest of the Umam Jewish community Samuel Katsov, who became 99 October 20.

In the years of civil war he voluntarily went to struggle for a bright future being 16. During the entire Great Patriotic war he was sergeant-major. For the bravery and courage he was awarded two Orders of Glory, Order of Red Star, four other orders and many medals.

Since 1945 and right up to his retirement he worked as a chief inspector of the Uman section of State bank. Despite his age, he reads much, shows interest in the community life, participates in all its events.

Samuil Katsov is a responsive person, bearer of Jewish traditions, expert in the history of our people, our country.

We wish him to live up to 120 years.


A young and charming Larissa Gashchenko is namely a keeper who conducts classes in Jewish cuisine in the Uman city community. The classes invariably begin with reminding about Jewish traditions. She acquaints listeners with a specific character of the national cuisine, tells what dishes are to be cooked for each holiday (Rosh a-Shana, Yom-Kippur, Sukkoth, Hanukkah and others), shows a proper way to light candles.

Each Friday our khesed organizes welcoming Saturday. Larissa tries to cook Jewish dishes for each Sabbath and introduces those present to their recipes.

Classes and each Sabbath end up in performing Jewish songs by the ensemble of veterans - khesed's patients.

Such events help throw off the burden of past years, remind us of the future of Jews as there are worthy successors to our traditions.


Our town is home to a kind responsive person Leonid Pudrik who became 80 November 29. He is the participant of Great Patriotic war, invalid of the 2nd group. He fought up to the Victory Day, was wounded, contused. He participated in the battle near Kursk, in liberating Belgorod, Kharkov. In March 1944 a radio operator of the tank crew Pudrik, a member of the 5th tank army, liberated Uman. He is one of a few liberators of our town who now reside here.

Since 1947 till his retirement in 1986 he worked as a commodity researcher at the plant "Prodtovary" ("food-stuffs"), contributed much to the development of our town's food industry.

In spite of his age and, naturally, diseases he takes an active part in the community life, plant's veteran movement. He is a frequent guest in schools, plants.

We wish Leonid Pudrik, this wonderful person, be merry and healthy, always together with his family and friends.

Till 120!


«Jewish Observer» - obozrevatel@jewukr.org
© 2002 Jewish Confederation of Ukraine - www.jewukr.org